Remember, you are the Sovereign Ambassador, Representing your Starseed Family on Earth.
T e s t i m o n i a l s . . .

I first heard of Sonia through a community FaceBook. Her words, it was like she was channeling messages. They made my heart vibrate. I felt a deep resonance and longing to connect.
After reading her website, Oracle Project Earth, I knew I had to do sessions with her. I didn't know much about DNA Activation, but I wanted to experience more as a MultiDimensional Being.
I am a remedial massage therapist. And I know that I do so much more than massages. I now know that I am a facilitator of energy who brings the bodies into a balanced state as I integrate all other healing modalities.
Along with my life path, I had been doing courses to heal myself (emotional baggage). It took many years, and it felt like a slow process. But with Sonia's works! It speeds up the years of trying.
I got so much more than I expected! And I would get a confirmation in my dreams of where I am at this time, especially seeing the Reptilians through the veil; that was insane! After first clearing, I knew I could not wait many more years to do what I had to do for myself because I felt how fast the Activations worked.
I just completed the DNA Activation and am ready for the next level. Sonia's work is assisting me to remember how to be more in my 5D self. My emotional baggage is dissipating away. I feel stronger in my energy, clearer, and happier. I am ready to focus on my mission in life and no longer stuck in old emotional dramas. Woohoo!
Sonia is also a great mentor. I love how she assists me in understanding my dreams and reminds me how to be in my own empowerment. She would make time for after sessions catch up, which is very supportive. Don't delay if anyone wishes to seriously clear their '‘stuff'’ and move forward quickly, as we all should be in 5D and ascend with Gaia.
I highly recommend Sonia's sessions.
Thank you, Sonia; I resonate with your words of wisdom. I feel the power of your work. Most of all, I feel safe and genuine with you. I am grateful to my Higher Self to have found you.

I was recently laid off from work, and my relationship of 11 years had come to an end...
I felt at the lowest point in my life. After my first session with Sonia, I immediately felt a sense of excitement for my future, a sense of trust that everything would be okay.
After each session, my future became clearer; people in my life that were a negative impact slowly departed from my experience. Also, I am now open to accepting people in my life who have my best interest.
Thank you, Sonia, for giving me my life back, and help loving myself again. ️
RD'H Edmonton AB

This journey to the Spiritual path was never easy for me. As a Lightworker myself, that offers healings and readings have, at some point, overwhelmed me. I seek for answers to my true being along the way and start to question my abilities. I felt like I was going in circles, and I experienced a tremendous blockage hindering my path until one day, I came across this process of clearing Karma, Unnatural Seals, and DNA Activation. The first session alone had a wonderful and miraculous effect on me as I got more connected to my Divine Self and Essence.
My physical body reached out to me and assisted me in strength and rejuvenating my energies. During this process, Big Auric attachments were removed from my field, and I felt free. Even after the sessions, I started receiving downloads from the Universe and started to connect the puzzles of my true being.
The anxiety, fear-based emotions, and the slow process of thinking disappeared. After each session, I began to focus more and no longer had the feeling of being lost. The DNA Activation reinforced and strengthened my connection to my Soul Parents from the Galaxy, and I became more aware of their existence in my life. I felt the frequency of LOVE more clearly, and it had a deeper meaning as I felt the Divine Love flowing in my life and through me.
The SHIFT is not just an energy that I felt; it became a part of me. I NOW see, feel, and understand the world from a different perspective. I see my path more clearly, and my true PURPOSE of being here became crystal clear to me. Thank you, Sonia; this wonderful process is a gift that changed my life forever. NAMASTE!
A.L Eisenhüttenstadt,

Before the clearing session and the DNA activation, I had no motivation at all. I wasn't fully awakened to fully appreciate myself and realize my soul mission on this planet earth.
Right after the first session, I felt sleepy most of the time. I realized that some people couldn't stand my vibration or that some would just avoid seeing me. My memory got better, and even if thoughts of the past came crawling into my mind, they didn't disturb me at all. I felt more freedom within myself. I also felt more confident and brave. The second session led me to ascension symptoms. I went sick with flu and headaches as my body was adjusting to a higher vibration level, but pretty much everything else around me didn't bother me.
I had this calm feeling most of the time, and I was way more energetic than usual. Other than that, I also had cravings for different kinds of foods, and I only fed my body whatever it felt like having. Finally, after my last session, I had the sleepiest moment I have ever had. I started having a different perception around me; I felt like I could see through and read the emotions of others. My intuition got stronger, and I could easily connect with others without having to make a big move.
I definitely realize the difference between my mind and my body. I feel lighter and new.
Even if I have symptoms of headaches or flu, I feel good sleeping, and when I wake up, I feel refreshed. I feel much more motivated and feel so much more potential in my abilities. I used to get so tied up with my own emotions and others as well, but I feel so calm that I can handle them in peace.
Big thanks to Sonia Salinas, who did this wonderful clearing for my family and me!
Angelica C. Germany
18 years old