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Writer's pictureSonia Salinas

Reality becomes,

Aging is a program of mind control; DNA doesn't contain aging.

It's a perpetual lie that humans believe that people die of old age because the "age" for all DNA in cells does not exist in the aging process. The human body cells are constantly being renewed, even in elderly people. A secret carefully kept from humans is that their DNA does not contain data about aging.

There are many difficulties in cell reproduction, but there is always a biological-emotional reason for choosing death; emotional conflicts lead many to age prematurely and later die.

There is no age for human DNA; humans create emotional boundaries during their lives, altering their epigenetic changes, which are modifications that regulate their DNA, whether genes are turned on or off with the years their bodies die. Aging comes from negative thinking, which constantly energizes all experiences of collective agreements and self-belief. Whatever one thinks about is literally like planning a future event. Therefore, it lowers or raises the vibrational state of dominance.


The aging program is entirely and individually created by the mind through beliefs engrained in the environment where all were born and grew up. This belief is so rooted and programmed that people believe this is a usual way of living, aging, and dying.


Fortunately, for those who believe differently, their reality is quite different. It's no secret that when humans lose themselves in the past due to the loss of family members, They can always look to the future because they let go and learn from the past. It is essential to make peace, leave the past behind, move forward, and live and change the present in your mind.


The New Earth, the awakening of humanity and ascension to higher levels of Consciousness, is not a place where people will relocate with all their mental and emotional debris. It is a state of mind that happens through self-love when one believes in and creates the world one would love to live in!

When you are worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating, you are planning. Ask yourself what you are entertaining often.


Suppose one doesn't have the limiting belief that getting old is normal. In that case, one will not get old, or at least not at the rate that aging is "normal," and this only happens due to all the poising the body ingests through food, water, and air since this is clear biological warfare going on in humans, controlled by regressive others, especially more prominent for the last 50 years.


The body doesn't age because The skin is renewed every three months. The Blood - Every six months, The lungs are renewed every year. The liver is recovering in 18 months. The brain completely restores its cells every three years. The skeleton fully regenerates in 10 years. Every muscle and tissue regenerates in 1 year. Even our personality is renewed every seven years.


Did you know that believing through one's heart can change one's reality in the blink of an eye? Therefore, believe it to see it, rather than thinking one has to see it to believe it is a wrong program many accept.


Every cell in the human body is renewed after a certain period, and new cells are built in place. The transition period varies, so think about that. It proves conclusively that the age-producing process is an artificial product placed in action not by nature but by humans' perceptions; in other words, staying young is natural, and growing old is unnatural.


The physical body is always young at the same time; the greater part of your system has been built up from new cells and fiber material within the last few weeks. Hence, the body of an octogenarian is just as young as the body of a 12-month-old baby, and this is one of the most astounding facts in science.

There has always been love, light, and truth within, so let it be. You are here now; change your worries, fears, and limitations, forgive, and drop the negative load from your conscience.


Reveal yourself as young, vital, alive, and strong in realizing the new world you are creating with your emotions from moment to moment. Behold in your heart a world without harmful programs and diseases, a world that is good and abundant everywhere you look because it is; it is your world revealed to you and created as you go.


Ensure one's regeneration, by all means, has now been granted by the one creator of all that is; immortality is in your heart if only you believe it to see it manifest. When speaking to others, believe and let go of all negative thoughts, emotions, and expressions. Above all, remember. According to your Divine Consciousness, granted by the ONE, all mighty creator of all that is, go forth to create harmony in all aspects of your being.


Your emotional compass about the past, the present, or the future translates and manifests as how you feel right now. Know that the perception of time is only an individual experience, for each one creates and holds the experiences regardless of how damaging or beneficial they could be to one's vibration.


Practice focusing on these suggestions daily and see your new reality take place.

· Understand that your thoughts, feelings, and vibrations shape your reality; shifting focus from negative to positive is crucial.

·  Vibrational alignment: you attract what you think, so raising your vibration is essential to becoming the person you want to be.

· Be present in the moment. Focusing on the past and future are illusions; manifestation happens in the present. Stay present and create in the now.

· Affirmations and positive statements in the present tense confirm what you want, not what you like.

· The process for manifestation is to ask, believe, and receive; think of it as placing an order for the universe to reply, have unwavering faith, and feel the emotions as if you have already received it.

· Envision what you want, feel the emotions, and then let it go! Trust the process without obsessing over the how and when trust.

· Gratitude: Express gratitude for all you have, bad or good, for without it, you'll never learn your own lessons. Gratitude raises your natural vibration and opens signals for the universe to deliver.


Your intention and love are essential to transforming your life experiences; believe in the entire process and permanently eliminate doubt and fear programs. Most importantly, gratitude at all times and envisioning create signals and openness to receive.


Understanding time, as time does not exist, only manifests during the incarnation experiences and creates a sense of continuity. But as a time expression, life is right now! Manifesting and creating as one goes along the conscious or unconscious decision to experience what one most experiences to learn and change it by gratefully feeling for all one has chosen to experience makes one the best one can be.


Your human body is made of Divine material, Divine particles of life force energy that create your autonomy of God you are, an aseity. The quality or state of being self-derived or self-originated. Specifically, the absolute self-sufficiency, independence, quality, or property of existing for oneself of being self-sufficient and not depending on anything else during existence because you have everything and everything you are.


Why are we telling you to consider these words?

You are divine and your own master; you must take dominion of your creations and go forth. Declare and create a new world to become the best expression of yourself, a reality you have ever been able to experience and live in its bountiful love and beauty.


Just as the Sun envelopes the Earth, changing every particle with new life, this radiant spirit envelopes all beings, removing from all Consciousness all darkness, all confusion, all sense of separation and aloneness. Moving through one's reality is like a frequency map, not a location map. The frequency is the location where everything comes out of or manifests from the potential energy field. Ether individual Consciousness is not only part of the ether. It is ether itself.


Consciousness, intention, and attention have the creator's power you are; therefore, the observer's Consciousness creates matter. The more awareness, the more Concepts it can manage and add a higher rate as it means processing more perception data, which will determine the density of existence the Consciousness of the observer can perceive. The observer's Consciousness can animate and understand his or her own perception only at his or her own pace. One cannot perceive anything outside the self range of perception that is not in one's reality. All individual Consciousness observers begin their own world, creating a personal and collective reality.


When enough attention energy is given to that specific thought process, the resulting frequency of the person will automatically match the frequency of the perceived object or situation. The thinking process of individual thought density depends on each person's perception and is the perception of individual conception, not something external to the person; thought is the object, and thought is the situation; there is no difference.


Consciousness is not in the body or the brain; the brain and the whole body act like antennas for Consciousness outside the body in the etheric field. The brain is a translator for the individual Consciousness in the etheric field, which enters through the body into what is called the physical world. So, a person is not in the body but working through the etheric field into the material world through a body.


We understand how much humanity is enduring, and we love to congratulate you for being the strongest of all humans at this time of awakening. Regardless of how many troubled souls are, especially after 2020, you still hold the torch of divine unconditional love bestowed to all those who possess a heart by the Divine creator of all. Remember that you chose this time to incarnate a body and have served your divine purpose most beautifully.


Thanks to your unconditional and omnipotent love, it holds enough light on this magnificent keystone called the EARTH to survive and soon become an intergalactic nexus point in the multiverse. The restoration of Earth and humanity is now a reality. Did you know that the power of your love can change the fabric of reality? Earth is the most beautiful place to experience an incarnation. Other planets have hostile atmosphere patterns where nothing grows or can live. They don't have the same atmosphere as Earth, the jewel of the universe, rich in all organic life force and minerals of all kinds—no wonder why nonhumans' regressive dark beings want to control and take possession for their gain of all that exists on Earth.


Divine ascended masters, you all have won the battle against darkness; your love is enough to make the new golden age a forever reality, even though many experienced very uncomfortable frequencies during this month. Feel this Golden light experience as an actual presence, and you know it is God; you realize yourself as part of this universal love, peace, beauty, and abundance for all that aspire and respire in the Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Spirit.


Remember, God is not a human being; he or she is not a statue, nor any religion. God is the electromagnetic pulse of life-giving energy that lives within all living beings. So love yourself, and everything that exists because God lives within you, and everything is you because everything is God.


♥ We are your star families, and we send love to you all. ♥



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