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Human Souls

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Sovereignty and self-government are the true currency from which anyone desires to leave behind the manipulation programs from the collective affecting One existence. It is your only truth.

Love you are; therefore, God, you are!
Love you are; therefore, God, you are!

For those who don't understand their power within or desire to confirm in their hearts if God is real, all you have to do is look at yourself in the mirror and accept the truth; you are Divine material, an expression of the one Creator of all that is, that exists within every cell and atom of all beingness.

Those who have controlled this world and all your minds want to strip out of the only thing that no one can have access, and it is your only power, "your free will" through movies and TV programs, holograms of manipulation poisoning the air, water, and Earth;  human minds, and souls are their new target. They want to extinguish as many human SOULS  as possible. The regressive soules beings are afraid of your AWAKENING. Understand that without you, they cannot exist. Stop giving them your attention, money, and emotions. Controlling Earth through religions, Governmental policies, and financial and Educational systems are all created by them to only let you know what they want you to believe in.

The time to awaken to who, indeed, you truly are is now. All humans have abilities, but you don't know how to access them, and that needs to change. People in this world did not originate from Earth; you all just forgot where you're from and what the power to be you are. You all have been recycled many, many lifetimes to sustain the old matrix programs, so giving you a figure will only upset you even more. The point is that now you have many components in your favor. But only each soul must do their own individual assessment of the many obstacles that only exist in their minds.

Know in your hearts of all, each one must become the greatest version of yourself that you've ever been. It doesn't mean working out or changing to a keto diet; that's all minutiae; it's about awakening your soul, connecting to the divine you are, the best version of yourself. You cannot be worried about your appearance or how tall or short you are. Don't worry about any of those things. Once you tap into your divine frequency, all your holograms will become what you always wanted to look like.

 Just be yourself because those of us from other worlds don't see any of this as important anyway. We know you all have a little bit of style. J Use your discernment and the intelligence of your Divine body organs to differentiate from any bad aliens influencing you.

The way that's going to happen and that terrific level of energy, if someone from another world is trying to influence you by decerned and be able to say NO, is one thing, taking a deep breath and laughing and saying NO, I don't think so. Know the difference between fear and joy; confidence will be the one element that returns your abilities to you and brings your strength back into your being happy about who you are. Have joy, laugh a lot, and bring that energy into being within yourself.

The fabric of the Human genetic code and physique is the total sum of more or less 22 different races. When your sovereignty removes fear or insecurities, you will discover your wisdom. People will fall for it because the Earth is changing. Today, it is not a secret that the regressive and dark aliens have been trafficking men, women, children, human organs, animals, and plants, experimenting at full capacity, and many humans are not doing their part to awaken themselves, hopping for others to do what only one can do for the self. If Ets appears from a spacecraft with promises of saving humans and asking you to go with them, will you go for it?

Saving humans at this point of the game, and from what? From those human hybrids they created to control Earth? Will humans accept that "this is the way" and so on? These dark ETs, what they are going to do, is use Human free will against you once again. Have you humans not had enough after 2019, giving up your free will with their injection programs? This is what humans' most potent quality has and ever will: your free will.

This divine power connects you through the spirit of God's source in moments of despair, using your hearts. You are here because you chose to be here. It is that simple. If you do not want to be, you can change that, too, but it is your decision. It is all a matter of choice through free will.

Many Ets can determine your consiousness through the impulse signals they receive from the collective. You cannot help everyone, as most people choose negativity and fear. Those who prepare and continue to awaken will be prepared to evolve to another density, one of LOVE, not FEAR. The continents on your planet are changing very rapidly. Your world is a place of Veiled Consciousness. It is waiting to be activated. In order to have this consciousness EMBODIED in physicalness, all frequencies need to be assembled and all DNA strands activated.

Why is there so much conflict on the planet, many ask?

People's limited awareness causes it, and they cannot live comfortably on your planet. Your current religions cause people to disconnect, even your physical bodies, with their abstract egos. You call this progress; we do not. Stop looking to your physical body to bring you enlightenment. Your bodies are the effect of the cause, which is intent moved by emotion, creating physicality. Also, your race has been persecuted and manipulated by other galactic races that are negatively charged.


Divine consciousness of the ONE that you all are,

Be grateful for a new day to create what one has to learn or change in the reality of Oneness in all aspects of a being to face with dignity and sovereignty of the Heart and, more importantly, anything that arises from the holograms of manipulation. Feeling assisted at all times, one only has to ask the divine intelligence of the Ether consciousness who is to be guided or shown the correct paths and ways to know in the ONE heart which direction to take. It is a reality where everyone seems to lose the path of ascension. Divine souls, ask the One Heart within to receive the answers and be guided.


What can one do to help the collective? Not by imposing perceptions on others, remember; not knowing is knowing within their hearts, but being and observing the next step for the One that is all to be and express more Oneness is the key.

Did you know that 43,848,564 souls are now sovereign and awake? And there are 8,156,151,436 to go! This will grow exponentially by 12% every month with your Love and respect for all that is! This trajectory will take us to an abundant threshold beyond expectations in the coming months and years. Source has and is providing you the power in this week's Planetary Alignment that will compound your Love and positive intentions of manifestation that will grow more powerful daily. Embrace your power of free will, sovereignty, self-esteem, and self-governance, and we will all make a world of our own together!

Divine cosmic and galactic brothers and sisters on Earth, you all have a role to play in the game 3D manipulation to create the new golden age of 5D light within your crystalline DNA available to all carbon-based DNA. Reclaiming Oneness and freedom is now more than ever essential to awaken and balance the Divine energies of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine.

Within each, the power entrusted by the Divine consciousness of the One Heart, One was born to be and become. Many forgot to use both divine feminine and divine masculine. Remember, this is not a different type of language or knowledge that is new to all but a reminder that these Divine frequencies are always within.

Be sovereign, avoid making the mistake of giving away your free will and Love, and forgive all men and women; resentment and grumbling only create more separation between your Divine frequencies. LOVE TOGETHER!

It is time to be united, to love Divine Mother Earth if you have forgotten how, to strive with your Heart and send Love to all, including human beings. Send your Unconditional Divine Love and project it into the Heart of Divine Mother Earth; this is how many will teleport into the 5D through the stargate of the Heart to experience the Golden Age planetary shift. Love together is the most potent frequency the planet can use to override and end all the wrong.

Learning is no longer available at this time, but to take control of this available frequency One has within these two. It is crucial to remember how to harness this magnificent power to be, express, create, and connect by understanding this level of consciousness within the Divine masculine and Divine feminine.

It is your only true sovereignty in this menagerie of a hologram that we call existence, your free will. Change the manipulative programs and reframe continued involvement through control from your cell phones, media channels, and more. The killing and consumption of your divine animal creatures has to end. Do not ignore the consequences of your actions any longer, Divine beings.

All animals are as much of the Divine consciousness as everyone is. Reflect on the fact that whatever One puts out and does to others, or anything, will be done to the one on the same frequency that One always puts out. You are creators; never forget that.

When you protect the Divine Women on Earth, you will find that within your DNA, the memories of who you are will awaken to balance these two magnificent expressions of the ONE. It is time to embody the warrior you said you would be and protect life in all its expressions. Not by fighting with fists, guns, and emotions, but with the most potent frequency of LOVE that overcomes all lower frequencies!

Divine men protect all newborns, protect life, and forgive. Perhaps your arrival on Earth has created sad memories for you. Understand that for many, it is easy to blame without knowing the factual circumstances that too many divine mothers went through before they all experienced physicality.

The time has come to let go and forgive; the frequency of LOVE is the most Divine power you all possess and can use right now. Knowing how to use it will free ONE from all that controls you right now. The main reason for you to balance and express your Divine masculine and Divine feminine frequency in the now is always essential.

No one, president or head of state, can give you anything you can give yourself; this political arena is only an illusion to steal your energy and power; discernment is the key.

Did you know that higher vibrational races of Galactic beings will never approach you? Why is this Earth vibrating at a very low-frequency resonance?


All galactic beings from higher densities will love to meet anyone once you raise your frequency and embody the power of omnipotent Love in all aspects of your being. You all are this, which you believe yourself to be. Instead of believing in God, believe it; feel in your hearts you are God.

Those who believe in me, the works I do, shall they will also do,

Those who believe as I believe the works I do shall also they will do.


Jesus found it not strange to do the works of God because he believed himself to be God. It is natural to do the works of the ONE you believe yourself to BE. So, live in the feeling of being the ONE you want to be, and this shall be.


♥ Blessings, Divine Souls ♥



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