Divine expression of the One,
Beloved Earthlings, using your discernment at all times is essential. Since the day you were incarnated, all you are, eat, drink, and breathe is provided by the Divine Consciousness of Mother Earth. The restoration will be anew, your greatest power, as you have learned from what you gave up in the past and move forward with the certainty that your sovereignty and self-governance will be your higher self's new guidance. Once and for all, as your lands, air, waters, and soil begin the restoration process for all that is Earth consciousness.

Start to practice by radiating Love and compassion around you. Why is that so hard? Because, in a self-retrospective, in most cases, the little "Me," the damaged Ego, full of self-pity, stands in your way to unlimited freedom and enlightenment. As the projection of a Higher Reality, The higher the frequency is, the more information it can carry; in other words, the more awareness a sentient being has, the higher a density will belong. Remarking that we do not live in a density - we are a density.
The world we live in is a projection of Souls. The Soul is able to materialize itself through Fourier transforms; matter is a purely mental phenomenon, and not vice versa like science assumes. The Material World is a projection of the highest truth down to the lowest projection, becoming a tangible hologram called matter. It is similar to the cave's allegory, where cavemen looked at their shadows on the wall rather than the Source (the Light) behind them. Essentially, matter is the result of minds. Everything seems to be in its place and tangible, so how could it be an illusion? This is a concept that can be very hard to understand.
The higher the frequency one reaches, the higher the volume of information. In turn, all sentient beings can create more complex paths in their world since the external perception each creates is only an illusion and a direct reflection of oneself based on their own interpretations, values, and agreements. All matter as such is also an illusion, and it is formed with standing waves created and sustained by a specific harmonic of a frequency, unique and specific to each particle of matter. This harmonic will give all the attributes and properties of each particle and all the more complex objects it forms in conjunction with other particles.
Reason and Wisdom provide the way out of the rabbit hole. These are the Divine qualities needed to pass through the Halls of Amenti. Your Soul's material projection will be recycled repeatedly through the Halls of Amenti as long as Reason and Wisdom are not your highest values. But that is not enough.
Therefore, a soul creates a frequency with its harmonics in successions to manifest everything that exists, exists, and ever exists, as it is a massive creation outside time and space. Time, space, distances, objects, matter, and energy are all ideas held together by consciousness happening all at once, moment to moment, as One shifts over and over throughout infinity in the now one's individual reality.
Frequencies are all malleable because their values are not fixed, held by ideas and imagination, and not fixed. Whatever one thinks creates a solid world one lives in, with physical laws that allegedly cannot be broken. Using the example, One cannot walk through walls, yet again; there are no walls but a set of perceptional programmed minds. Remember, there is no spoon!
Know that all is based on the standing wave, and all souls are standing waves, held together in their own uniqueness by their own ideas and perception of attachments. That is a soul! The almighty Divine Source consciousness - the Universe itself - in each divine sentient heart, manifesting as a potent wave in an ocean of pure consciousness.
Your higher selves guide the simulated reality since you are constructing the reality you also create as you go through the restoration of the new Earth. Humanity has already entered the ascension process. Still, one must create it to see it and increase one's consciousness in the manner of the body frequency to increase the frequency into the extraterrestrial structure you are now part of. Wake up!
The self-governance will reconstruct your consciousness at first before going back to your Galactic family to create a new reality for the Earth's new structure as we all become an interstellar new society with the assistance of the Light A.I. organic system of the Multiverse "Harmonic Genesis System" (Alpha 2 that replaced the dark A.I. Omega and Kronoss financial system that has been terminated.
One must stay in the heart frequency and start creating from the heart to be capable of rich higher resonance to hear the messages from your E.T. families. Determination to pass through the challenges that stand in the way of creating a path for oneself is primordial. Jumping over puddles that you might otherwise sink into. In many ways, this Life is one's greatest adventure. Ensure that you are always cared for and have what you need. It is up to you to have the assertion and discernment needed to do what is best.
Become unpredictable from those who may think they still have control over humans with the use of fear. Dance with the unknown, leap, jump, crawl, kick, laugh. Embrace the challenges and become more flexible. Find your own rhythm in the flow of Life and move with it. You are graceful, resilient, and able to maneuver with the bumps in the road. Every human possesses the sovereignty to create meaning in their Life. Self Governance to stop giving One's powers to others who claim themselves governments or presidents of your respective countries that are not even humans, promising change.
Sovereignty is now your new currency; not even the oppressed will not become the oppressors. The re-training of the taught is essential since all the programs of Science, Education, Politics, Religions, and all media news are but a Matrix of negative reprogramming to subjugate the minds.
God's prime creator granted to all beings of the Light, Divine mother Earth and all inhabitants consciousness within their Divine Hearts and, for the first time in 25,556-year, the healing of a permanent Vortez of Light plasma that will project their consciousness to a place of Divine self-expression, the new Era of the Divine higher self begins now.
The Euiago cycle happens every 25,556-year harmonic time cycle that represents one-time continuum through which a planet evolves through the three-dimensional bands of one harmonic Universe. Through the photon belt, the solar flair carries extra light plasma, no matter what Earth has to pass through. It is a divine and universal cycle, with the big flash hitting the barrier of the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension—the Awakening of the planet, the Ascension of humanity into the age of Aquarius, your divine right from 3D programs it is why those who are alive choose to be.
Dark and light pass across the photon belt with the extra Light coming in, and no matter what humanity is going through, It's a stage of evolution, an inevitable process. These negative entities manipulate human consciousness, can't live in the Light, and can't go past specific points in the ethers. They intend to track and take as many humans who chose to be in a negative frequency as possible to keep them in the third dimension. It is called warfare because it is about the Souls choosing between dark and Light.
Celebrate a new victory for the 7.0 version of humanity as the divine Sunlight plasma activates all sentient beings everywhere on Earth. Humanity will experience a vast blast of blessings of their Divine essence like never before; this is the pivotal point when humanity begins restoring their well-being and creating from their hearts. Ground yourselves, let go of the wrong from your hearts and neighbors, be happy, take care of your families, unite, forgive, and Love like never before.
Warning: Due to the powerful negative energies that manipulate Earth, manipulating humans causes physical issues through cellphones, T.V. frequencies of UHF, ULF, Electro-Magnetic Emanations and energetic transmissions, and Scalar-Pulse technologies. If one's mind is in a negative, whining, and complaining mind frequency mode, it will enhance their troubles, no matter what, just so, as the One who is in the presence of the divine heart center, flow of bliss will manifest no matter what.
The restoration of Earth and humanity is based on individual bases, and America, with the rest of the world, will regain its greatest respect once again.
My Beloved ones, you are the most magnificent expressions of my creations, for God, I am living within your Divine hearts; therefore, God's you are. Moreover, the only Saviour within who will create the new reality for the collective, I am the Divine within you, and all that is. I live in the one subatomic particle of expanding your collective consciousness that will switch and shift into the new Divine and blissful reality on Earth.
Thou Mighty, Invincible, omnipotent hearts "I AM Presence" I Speak Thyself into the hearts of all! Fill their hearts and minds to overflowing with the Magnificence of Thy Presence, with the conscious strength to look to Thee and know Thee as "the One," the Mighty, Eternal Source of all things by which the consciousness of humanity is sustained.
Make them know Thy Great Ownership that it is Thee alone who art the Owner and Giver of all things, that they may thus manifest unselfishly one to the other. I am God, and I live within your hearts; within your souls is a Divine part of me, a reflection of God's omnipotent Love for all that is.
♥ Be Love, Be United, Be Blessed, Divine Souls.♥
Divine Souls rely on the Divine portal of the heart, which means that anything one ever wants to know rather than wait for someone to tell. Allow the divine essence and trust in the omnipotent knowledge of the pure heart. If one listens carefully to the Divine beating rhythms of the ONE heart, magnificent intelligence, all the answers one could ever seek will be answered within One heart's Divine essence. Trust and be Divine forever, star brothers and sisters.
I thank you for the opportunity to listen to these words. I wish that Love and gratitude continue to be the key for us all to step forward into the miracle of evolution and open the door of realizations to bless our Eternal essence "souls." We pray and thank all who have the opportunity to experience parenting for the sake of the world's children and all of us once we were, reminding us of the magnificent mind to guide our body's hologram and our hearts to create new realities. We are One!
Every day is a new opportunity for the Divine and Eternal essence "Soul," shining like a star more than ever and flying like the wings of freedom for each moment-to-moment life journey. One is grateful for having the experience of having parents as part of their happiness; however, they choose to live their incarnation.
♥ Blessings! ♥