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Creator Love,

Writer: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

The human desire to create and co-create is a reflection of being made in God's image. When you create do so with love!

 Divine Love, create your own Matrix of ABUNDANCE Because now you really can!
Divine Love, create your own Matrix of ABUNDANCE Because now you really can!

A time will come in your spiritual development when all awaken to the enormous gift you have in your heart – the gift of creative, intelligent thinking, and you will also become aware of the enormous responsibility you bear toward the way you use it. There is something on this planet now that is far greater than a financial system ever could,  the ability to directly connect to source and co-create like all human souls can create, when unencumbered by hologram and negative AI systems. This perpetual energy to human beings is unlimited because there are no more Soul agreements nor any kind of ownership over humans.

Consciousness is entirely directed at growth, nutrition, and healing of mind and body, regeneration, protection in every form, and the fulfillment of every need of mind, emotions, and body within your Unconditional Love.

The Consciousness and Divine Source connection is within all who choose to make the best use of their talents to be inspirational, these are the great souls, the ones who have made paths for themselves teaching others and leading them directly into the Golden Age of sovereignty, self-governance, and autonomy within their hearts to achieve this growth from the Divine Light and love that are your true nature.

Human souls are a manifestation of the Divine Source an Essence that dwells within your hearts just as everything else. Evolution towards higher consciousness. Forgive those in control who look down on humans from a place of perceived superiority, thinking they have all the answers and that their beliefs are the only correct ones. Such an attitude holds you and prevents your expansion, and growth, to becoming more of your true self and growing into the highest versions of yourselves.

The ONE and the structure of Consciousness create different expressions of itself as it learns from itself. Know that in reality, there is only ONE; the Consciousness of the One is the particle that shines with a wavering light over and over next to itself through an infinite amount of parallel realities and probabilities of Consciousness. Therefore Oneself is the entire structure of Consciousness since God you are, create accordingly!

The Hologram we all knew, is going away the old dueling Alpha Omega system ended and we are going into a natural way of doing things. All computer networks and fake allocation numbers are not going to make the new money system, the planet won't run on controlled money anymore.

Whatever one experiences outside is a mere reflection of oneself holograms that manifest as a subconscious mirror because One itself is the whole beingness of expressions and the entire structure of Consciousness; therefore, you, me, all, are One consciousness.

Understand, the prefrontal cortex is the conscious mind the conscious mind that carries wishes, desires, aspirations, and what you want in life, create it. The conscious mind is at 5% the rest 95% of the brain is the subconscious mind, this is all your automatic habits. The programs received in infancy, at the theta brain frequency “like in a hypnotic state” that perceives, and accepts all kinds of fundamental concepts before 7 years old are not self,  they become from other people places, things, times, and events.

The programs one receives in infancy have been programmed before your parents, parents,  generation after generation as many will continue to pass it on to their newborn babies. Hence why the regressive humans want so badly to control your children for their own gain. The fact is 95%, of our human lives, we are thinking and processing programs, of disempowerment, negative thoughts, and emotions of self-sabotaging. The 95% of programs are what they sell you on the media platforms to distract your conscious mind and keep the subconscious mind programming, sadly many end up thinking; This is not what I wanted, often they think? Yes, but that is what you create! What the mind entertains creates.

Understand how One is running one's life from the creative mind, wishes and desires, and all the good things wanted to experience are in the 5% of consciousness within the brain and creative mind. When the conscious mind is thinking it is not paying attention, and when the conscious mind is not paying attention, the subconscious program kicks as a default, therefore your subconscious mind is controlling you. The shifting of consciousness and Integrations of the planet right now is creating new events that couldn't have been before because you've all been able to get information like this and many that hold higher resonance to assist humans to integrate across the planet on a collective psychic level.

What Is the Difference between Soul and Spirit?

It is a blessing of three parts humans have, the body, the soul, and the spirit. All of these parts have specific functions. The body is our physical function and here we feel our physical senses such as the sense of sight, taste, smell, hearing, and touch. The soul on the other hand is our humanity that makes us feel emotions that connect us with the Spirit. It is our way to magnify God through our human limitations. This is why many soulless beings have empty black eyes because they can't connect to the spirit God Source and through manipulation can manifest more chaos within you.


The Council of 9 Said that matter is equal to time multiplied by energy over speed. This is what one does when manifest. We are going into a natural way of doing things and the new natural is E=2 matters created solely by the light side of all, adding distance and velocity to it.

E = mc2, this is a distorted Matrix program, Einstein went on to present his findings mathematically: energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared (2), or E = mc2.

The soul is your deeper connection with the Spirit Source of God.  God expresses his love through all sentient creations because this is one of the gifts that Christ's consciousness gave to all when you became human souls, thus, One can only use the soul to connect to spirit if one, believes in self to connect one heart and speak to God source through your Christ consciousness the ways of the soul connects to spirit. The expression of God's love paves the way through the soul. We first magnify God’s power and grace, and then we express and experience God's spirit fully through the soul. The function of the soul is spiritual. The soul is the only way to connect with God's spirit of all, and we can only talk to spirit if we believe in Source God of all that is.

Learn to transmute by pivoting the negative emotions that are difficult to uproot. Every time you feel a negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I wouldn't feel this negative emotion. What do I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want. The moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will cease; and the moment the negative attraction ceases, the positive attraction will begin. And, at that moment, your feelings will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the process of transmutation.


Breathing is not just air, breathing is the way God is present. The truth is deeper and more important than you imagine. Each inhalation you take not only brings oxygen to your lungs but also vital energy. Conscious breathing can take you to a state of spiritual connection. A state where the divine is present in each breath. Try to breathe deeply, filling every corner of your lungs. Feel how the energy flows through you, renewing your body and soul.


When you inhale deeply, you are not just taking in the air; you are filling your being with universal energy, the force of your being that connects you with everything that exists. This simple act of breathing is the presence of the creator, letting you know that you exist and that you are. Breathing has the power to transform your consciousness, the bridge to the divine if you truly desire it. Without exercises or complicated words, only your breathing will help you understand that this process exists all around you in all beings, that is how the connection with the creator and the source of everything that exists.


In a scene from the movie Matrix when Neo enters a room to wait for the Oracle, in this room he meets a child, whom Neo looks at with amazement because he is bending spoons with his mind, as Neo approach him the child tells him:


-Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.

-What truth? Neo ask,

-There is no spoon, then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. The child responds.


The above reflects a powerful message: in order to change reality we must change our mentality, and be aware that the material world is only an imaginary projection and therefore can be modified from the depths of our consciousness. It is the same as being in a dream, as long as the unconscious mind dominates in this state, we will have no power over the dream and we will be forced to experience what the subconscious decides to project. But if we become conscious within the dream then the magical experience of being free to create our dream occurs.

The secret to changing reality is to stop being connected to "the Matrix" that is to stop being immersed in beliefs that we learned as children that our parents, television, religion, and educational institutions told us. Realize the truth, there is no such thing as reality, it is not reality that bends, it is you. When you see Neo and this movie change your perception of seeing it as something that was made “a movie of something that can’t be” to entertain the mind, instead understand that Neo is You, and when your mind is freed from subconscious programs all that You are is EVERYTHING Because we are all one.

The harmonics of a frequency is the mathematically precise combination and sequencing of frequency changes that create both a perceived solid object and a dynamic sequence of movements between those perceived solid objects. All dynamic sequences in precise order are harmonics of a frequency and function in a linear sequence of waves within the media of potential energy moving to form a standing wave or a node. This movement to form a standing wave or to form a node is a flow or a current in the ether, and this current is gravity!

All objects, big and small, are the result of this gravity flow. Everything is mind. That flow is like potential energy becoming something, the putty in the hands of a sculptor. There is no gravity as humans see it. It´s a flow in all directions depending on where something with a mind is looking. Sensors detect gravity all right but they must see it by its effects, and not directly. Gravity is mind, gravity is a thought, and thoughts are things. Thoughts are gravity, gravity is a focus of consciousness and this gravity or consciousness is creating mass.

LOVE is real that is why you are! Keep stronger, the light has won over the dark there is a Divine plan and humanity is now more than ever capable of changing all holograms in their reality. Thank you for reading. I thank you God Source for the opportunity you give me to serve. I wish that love and gratitude continue to be the key for us all to step forward into the miracle of evolution and open the door of realizations to bless our Eternal essence "souls."


We pray and thank all who have the opportunity to experience parenting for the sake of the world's children and all of us once we were, reminding us of the magnificent mind to guide our body's hologram and our hearts to create new realities.  Every day's a new opportunity for the Divine and Eternal essence "soul," shining like a star more than ever and flying free like the wings of an eagle for each moment-to-moment life journey.






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