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Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

Divine masters of the Multiverse…

Know that you are walking Goddesses and Gods, whether you believe or not? This is a massive statement containing a leap to awakening your mind by remembering your divine powers as human beings, to claim it or to become an awakened one is your dearest quest and divine right to find by accepting that you really have the omnipotent power to unconditionally love, to forgive, to create, to inspire and to give from your heart to change your now reality.

A reality of your dreams based on your conscious connection with your superconsciousness, if you don't know how to connect with your superconsciousness or what is it?

Thankfully it is not part of your mind's thoughts since your thoughts have been implanted or manipulated by the voices that you so often hear and end up accepted as yours; moreover, they control and manifest into familiar, people, places, things, and events that create your dreams turning into nightmares. These negative entities called demons can accurately appear to you in your thoughts and talked to you pretending to be. For example, You may tell; last night, I have a dream where a beautiful angel was showing me….. or the angel whispering words were… or telling me to say….

This is how quickly you will accept altering your awaken reality, mostly in all cases by demons.

I do not dare to say that Angels are tricksters or bad ones, If you desired to see them or talk to them, you will but only with the voice and the eyes of your HEART. Mostly 97% of the dreams humans are experienced are controlled by their cellphones placed on your bedside tables. Even when they are turned off, they are built to become an open vortex where the ET’s manipulate your subconscious mind when you sleeping creating nightmares and also implant electromagnetic microchips for your control.

The voices in your head are another example of how other types of entities control your mind, just like the ones creating movies in your dreams these are all evil entities like dark ET’s, reptilians, demons, discarnates, negative energies, vampires, etc. Even you sware, are your own voices?

How can you learn to become empower each day even when you sleep?

When you take the time to remember that you are part of the creator of all, never forget that your heart nature inhabits in the sanctuary of the omnipotent creator of all beings of the light. Remember what you are looking for will find you, there are many techniques to shield your dimensional field, look for the one called “ 12 D Shield Building Technique”, then practice this before going to sleep and first thing when you wake up every day. You will notice that each day you practice it, you will grow stronger against the harmful energies.

The only way to have access to your superconsciousness is through your intuition, the part of yourself or your reality that connects you into the quantum field, remember the quantum field is unlimited, it is not a place, it is everything, and it is timeless. When you connect with your superconsciousness and merge with the quantum field, you start to KNOW THINGS that you haven’t thought, you begin to access skills and abilities. Therefore, you will receive from the wisdom of your past, you start to know what is about to occur in your immediate future because you can read the potentials, and consequently, amazing things will occur in your now reality.

You may feel overwhelming to protect yourself before sleep, when all you desired is to have a good sleep and a happy awakening, a wonderful week at work, at home full of new positive challenges for growing with friends and family. You can, and you will, if this is all you desire, just ask God. Fortunately, God is not what the bible or the church or other religious cultures depicts. Know that God lives in your heart as you are precious being, so you just have to trust that you are doing what your heart is guiding you to do each day and perhaps a sincere heartfelt big thank you God for all the things I have and the things I don’t because I am a creator of my own reality.

Divine souls on earth make a firm personal commitment as rapidly as possible to reclaim your spiritual nature by learning the energetic skills that will allow you to free yourself from the programs appearing as mental holograms through manipulation creating reality pictures for the unsuspecting human to perceive these as tridimensional reality overlays, these experiences are not hallucinations, this is the programs that most humans are subjected to believe in the reality they experience by using their subconscious fears for control.

Learn to dissolve all the limitation that only exist in each of YOUR MINDS. Change your beliefs will change your reality, each one of you has the potential to change the world, to save it! Instead, many let your cellphones to destroy the neurons of your bran with vast amounts of microwaves that make you become distracted every 3 seconds by a text message from your friends; twitting, Facebooking, what’s in-app, etc. Achieving disconnection from you all human beings and all that is happening in the now of your reality.

Many humans are unable to use their hearts since they have been disconnected like the rest of your 10 additional DNA strands at birth, letting you functioning only with two DNA strands; your root chakra controlled by sex, your sacral controlled by survival and solar plexus controlled by fear. The sacral and the Solar plexus are controlled by the alien's reptilians, your hearts controlled by the Zetas aliens. Plus there are 7 points of acupuncture called the J. Seals controlled by the Anunnaki's, can you start to see the big picture of every human reality, that is why one must be kind to one another and to respect each other and help if you are able. There are many programs of indoctrination that control your mind by making you believe that there is a God outside of you and that you are here to pay for the sins of whom??? There is an obvious reason why, especially, religious indoctrinations had made you hate the word GOD.

Another program implanted by the church was said that in the bible: A Crown of Thorns was placed on Jesus's head before he was crucified, the truth is Jesus was never crucified. What happened was that an energetic crucifixion, was infusing into humanity and this crown of thorns was part of that energetic anatomy within all the DNA that is a global program of crucifixion made on each man and woman and inherited at birth by placing a seal called the crown of thorns on the Earth's Grid for all the souls born on earth, as part of the unnatural seven J.Seals.

These J. Seals were created and implanted on the Earth’s grids by the extraterrestrial race called the Jehovian Annunaki. Since humans share an energetic connection with the earth via axiatonal lines. As a result of this connection, all inherited at birth the distortions created by the Seals. These distortions affect your genetic structure and our ability to ascend. Anything that affects the earth affects humanity, just like anything happening to a mother carrying a child in her womb, affects the child. We are within the womb of our beloved Mother Earth.

To embody your christ consciousness means that you have to fulfill your dreams to create a better world for all that breathes and respires in the air, in the water, in the earth, and in the fire by being yourself, by love all, forgive all, to care for all and share and do all for the highest good of all just with the power of your omnipotent, loving heart as for this is God within you cells.

Indeed beloved ones, you are an individuation of all that is, from the creator of the multiverse. Open your sacred heart, to remember.

Do you really think that outer beings are going to save you, after all, you are the ones who are creating the reality of your new timelines? Yes, there are higher dimensional beings that are assisting our beloved Gaia from the reptilians that live among you, in your electromagnetic devices in your TV, news, entertainment, poisoning the air with chemtrails, the water, the earth even the fire, and much more making sure that you live shortly with your own fears implanted by them.

Beloved ones, each one of you has to stand and take control of your own bodies, minds, and souls first before you can assist others. Its been said by our beloved star family the Arcturians that; when a person and planet become ONE chakra by chakra, humanity,y and Gaia can join the efforts and work as one being to ascend Earth and all her inhabitants into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Yet many had said, I am sick and tired of been here. I want to leave and go into a different reality… there is no other way if you are not able to make your world a better place, at least for yourself, what would you do to another world? Besides, unless one learns to awaken their christ consciousness to raise their vibration, they will continue to live on the lower version of themselves in a lesser version of planet earth.

Blaming on your beloved Mother Earth as if she was created all this chaos and disasters for you all to start. Few of you may know that all is altered by what they call Haarp, which is not the stringed musical instrument… Thay sais that this is beneficial for the planet; whatever they say, mother Earth doesn't need reptilian technology to assist her in moving into higher dimensions. It is reptilian and dark ET’s from USA technology that is fracturing your beloved planet, be proud of been citizens of planet earth by honoring Gaia at all times.

Indeed, what mother Earth needs is your unconditional love and consciousness to become united as ONE keep in mind that when a person and planet become ONE chakra by chakra, humanity, and Gaia can join the efforts and work as one being to ascend Earth and all her inhabitants into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Learn how to take control of your own body by taking a walk after work, after super each day if you can’t afford to go to a gym. Quiet your mind by listening soft music or even better by using the power of binaural waves or jus to meditate and disconnected your wifi router and taking all your cellphones out of your BEDROOM before going to sleep. Strength your soul by shielding your field day and night.

Divine souls, there is so much wrong created by those in control, the reason for your frustrations and anxiousness, for your lack of patience, your physical issues, and lack of money. There is so much money on the planet earth enough for each person. It is your birthright to be abundant in all aspects of your life, sadly those in control governments and the elites continued to whore it.

Would you prefer to end your day knowing that the negative ET’s finally end up controlling the planet to continued work and pay for living on earth forever? Or would you prefer to embody your own Christ consciousness and to ascend to become one united human race like our beloved star families Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Venusians, Hathors, and many more that focus on ascension and unity consciousness remember this when a person and planet become ONE chakra by chakra, humanity, and Gaia can join the efforts and work as one being to ascend Earth and all her inhabitants into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Let this heartfelt thought from the Arcturians consciousness to be the end of this message, so you can have sweet dreams all of you divine sleeping Gods and Godesesess; soon, very soon divine masters of the Multiverse to awaken of a new Gaia; bright, clean, and transmuted from all negative energy and poisons, where money is not essential anymore because you had found true freedom from the mind to continue to create from your dreams.

To dream of a better world for all those who came now to visit from the stars, to be able to raise your vibration together so hight and reliable that only higher vibrational beings will visit, perhaps for a cup of tea? Or to teach you more about living for eternity in your new reality, so death becomes an evident program that has been transmuted from your minds since now you all remember are built for eternity. To dream that you can fly, teleport, travel to their homelands dimension in other planets or galaxies where they all live as one love, like us all.

A lofty reality where you all TOGETHER as one unity consciousness has found freedom from the mind, body, and spirit for eternity, where you can choose the time to leave not because of the death cells programs but because it is your desire to be part of the vibrational frequency of omnipotent love to continue nurture the hearts and all that make everything to exist.

So before you go to sleep, divine one dream that you can, and so you will live the reality of your dreams to see the magic of your dreams to come true in your now reality for all. Gently place your hands on your heart and with the voice and intention of your heart say;

Thank you, father and mother, of the whole Multiverse!

Thank you for letting me remember that I am one with the divine source of all existence!

It is my heart desire to wish for unconditional love for the benefit of all sentient beings in all parts of planet earth and in the whole Multiverse!

That is so, and so be it.

Many blessings to you all divine souls on Earth

I am Mut, divine mother of the gods.

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