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Divine humans of planet earth,

Writer's picture: Sonia SalinasSonia Salinas

When you are listening and allow synchronicities to bring you guidance, it proves that you are ready to move in the direction of your desires not by chance, rather by allowing your subconscious to bring that which is important to you. When you less expect, that which is important to you will be presented to you, by you. It is not coincidental, but somehow this process of manifestation it has been overlooked or over analyzed by many.

Synchronize moments are magical, powerful and they do not often appear but for a brief moment in a person life, and sometimes when a person ignored it will disappear from the field. Many dear heart souls on earth will later remember this synchronicity or have aha! Moments, expressing; “Ho my gosh, I should of listened or take the chance!"

Just like this post you may receive the information in a manner that appears you were looking for or thinking about it. You may be realizing that the messages you receive may come in the form of a book, or the words of a song, or people you may meet. These synchronicities are how the source will keep a person in the flow or guided into receive that which is most desired. Love for yourself and all is the Key.

The time to change your reality is here.

In the meantime, I will like to invite you to a Global meditation. There will be two weekly meditations same hours starting on next Tuesday at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm Mountain standard time. These meditations will happen twice a week until we as a collective human race reach 144,000 people around the world. The focus would be on unconditional love, for more information visit my Facebook page and look in the event section.

The exciting part of this meditation is that you all are making history to change the reality of planet earth in the best way possible for all that breathes. This humble request is to call upon those who are willing to participate, note that if you enjoy drama this is not for you. These group meditations around the world would assist by changing and transmuting the chaos and violence on planet earth, to realigning with the unconditional love of Mother Earth to help her with the ascension process of humanity.

To participate follow the link to find out your time zone.

Beloved humans on earth the time is now to find your center, you ARE the offspring of heaven and earth since the beginning of your light incarnation. Everything in the Universe is composed of atomic particles. Therefore, YOU are the Universe. Your DNA is pure love consciousness from the creator of all beings of light, Open your mind to your own creation, you are part of something much bigger than you can imagine.

On this Meditations, our goal as a collective human race would be unity consciousness to focus on unconditional love as this would awaken your hearts vibration. By participating you are changing the reality on earth and allowing the opportunities to manifest and as you share your consciousness, you are transmuting the earth field with your awareness by only focus on unconditional love for everything that breathes on planet earth.

Below is the 1-hour Meditation scheduled for Tuesdays and Fridays, you will have two optional hours to participate, or if you desired to meditate both times as your schedule will allow, you are most welcome.

Tuesday 9:00 am and 7:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am and 7:00 pm

Feel free to share this information with all those who desire to participate; these events are live in the quantum space of your reality and for many to join the efforts of a collective meditation on planet earth. Do not worry about time or space just meditate for 1 hour each of the set days and as we continued meditating on the set days. On August 21st The day of the Solar Eclipse, I will be offering you all the participants a free DNA activation to activate your heart chakra on Monday, August 21st, at 9:00 am. I will keep you posted on how we would proceed prior this amazing day.

When you allow the intelligence of your heart to guide you will determine very easy what you will accept into your light body, into your energy field, and most important into your conscious awareness, this will serve you to be in balance of your divine energy flow. When you trust in the intelligence of your heart, and when you are being presented with the information you are looking for, you will be able to see and feel the wording or advertisements to know which one hole light and which one does not. Perhaps which messages hold more light than another.

When you Understand and allow the intelligence of your heart to guide you there is no need to ask your friends, family or your beloved for their opinion on that which you desire to experience is good for you or not.


You have this built in awareness conscious in your heart; it is the magnificent ability to discern and love.

The other person you may want to ask for his or her opinion may not vibrating the same frequency that you are and therefore whatever is that you think will be good for you, the other person may think different since he or she is not necessary for the same vibrational energy frequency.

By allowing and trusting your own abilities and guidance from the intelligence of your heart, you develop confidence that will assist you to feel that you are in harmony to experience that which is important to you. Remember what you are looking for, is actually looking for you!

Allow your synchronicities to manifest, let go of the wanted to know all about of how is it that you are going to receive, that which is desired for you. Allow the synchronize vibration of your heart to show you the magic of your divine being of the light that you are precious human on earth. Believe that you are able to create your best reality when you trust in your heart. The blueprint abilities of your multidimensional being will always be there waiting to be ignited in the best way possible for you!

When you meditate, turn off your Wi-Fi, cell phones, computers, TVs, any electromagnetic devices.

For those who are ready to participate, I will kindly ask you to add your participation on the Facebook event page to add your name on the Title 144,000 Oracle Project Earth Meditation. For Better results, I decided not to run a live stream because of the electromagnetic frequencies mixing and invading your field as you meditate. To focus on unconditional love to all that breathes on earth.

The reason for my request to add your participation on the events on Facebook is that we together will keep track of the number of participants and therefore by inviting those who are interested as we collective can share and reach other cities and other countries. To become the first 144,000 unconditional love souls that raises the vibration of planet earth.

At 9:00 am, and 7:00 pm meditations days on each week, I would be 5 minutes in the live event to greet you and introduce myself in the life stream Facebook, and then we would begin to turn off your Wi-Fi and electromagnetic devices until we reach the total of 1-hour live meditation.

There is no need to follow up, trust in the intelligence of your heart, and by disconnected electromagnetic devices, you will receive pure love and light frequency during your meditation.

As you allow your awareness to focus on unconditional love, you will feel the connection of all those beloved hearts that we would be participating by allowing us to raise our vibration to connect to the one heart of all.

Keep in mind that when you decided that you want something, the opposite of what you want, is going to be part of your awareness too. And therefore is up to you, to observe and hold your convictions.

I’m looking forward to joining me on this magnificent event in human history where you will be part of it.

Thank you for listening beloved hearts,


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