Divine Humans on Planet Earth,
The real difference between humans and animals is that the animals don’t participate in the Matrix program on earth, it is only your imagination to think they are different instead they have an innate ability to heal us. It has been keep secret by many; this is why the brutal mass slaughter of cows and chickens and any other farm animals continue been part of a brutal, heartless mutilation to all. Many ignore that their meat has been altering with their own fear before die, the endorphins of an emphatic animal keeps holding that vibration until it goes into the supermarket and into your table and into your being.
Just like Dolphins,
Dolphins are here to heal the planet not to entertain humans, Dolphins balance the earth vortex, and they love all creatures human and not human because they have in their DNA pure God essence. Just when you think of them, you already feel the love in your heart because they are doing their part on Earth. They protect the planet, and all that breathes with God essence. So when you think of them send back that love you feel for them making your mind healed and loved them the way they do love all.
This is not about telling you what you may ignore; it is about to inform you that by continued thinking that you are separate from everything that is going on, will keep you on your own perception. Instead use the power of your conscious awareness to heal yourself, to love yourself and all and let go what doesn’t serve you.
Do what you most, do what feels right in your heart. It is great to continue move in the direction of a better world; teach others, to help others, the part of self-discovery within. Know that many will not make this ascension and that is ok, this is why many are here to learn. Make peace with your family and friends; this is one of many steps you have to do, to move into the ascension of your consciousness.
The leaders of entire countries all around the planet, governmental and religious groups and sects from those controlling right now are ready and prepare for what is happening.
What about you? Find the truth, make a true and clear intention of being of service for the greatest good of all, let go the illusion that being spiritual is an imaginary concept, know that is real.
Is it not love that you desired beyond all else.
We are entire connected, and this is why when you love and expand your consciousness you share this truth to all and affect us all as well as when you desire or chose wrong will create worse to all.
Beloved hearts reassess your priorities what good you could make if you know that is the last thing you could do for all. Let go the old model in which circumstances need to be manifest for themselves in a certain way before you are able to be happy.
Let go!
There is nothing outside of you all is happening within your mind programs. Consider taking the time to be out from the usual matrix of everyday life. While you disconnect from daily living task and duties there is no need to go far from your city this can be done outside your back yard or in a Greenland area, take off your shoes, feel the grass, breathe deep in and out, and express with the voice of your heart; Repeat this aloud 3 times
From the true experience and nature of my being,
I choose to be happy; I choose to be free, I choose joy over suffering, I choose integrity, I choose light over dark, I choose what makes me feel in expansion over what makes me feel contraction.
I control my own reality I am a multidimensional being of unconditional love! Loving myself in the best way, I accept myself with respect and compassion for myself.
If you do this each day, no matter what time either before you start your day in the Matrix of after; these will assist you to shift with the energies of the earth Gaia at this time. When you re-training yourself in this way of thinking, you become magnetic.
Allowing your abundance and joy and opportunities for serving others, more love and acceptance of yourself will expand to create a peaceful connection of unconditional love for been here right now.
Therefore, more light into your field and reality will take you into a higher frequency of vibration. There is thought, and there is thoughtform, and there is Manifestation. Manifestation is always in the eye of the beholder. So this time-space-reality that everyone is perceiving is nothing more than vibrational interpretation.
It is the desire to become the lightness of your own heart, to allow your thoughts to become the reality of self. The desire to feel in love in every moment with all, when you love the totality of yourself will transcend social consciousness, and would exceed your own judgments, because you go beyond the illusion of time, because you are ONE with all, and all is One with you!
So LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, all that you are and more that is all you ever be.
Thank you for listening!

I love you! Namaste!