They are here...
Open your mind, soul, and body, to become ready and let go the concepts of the 3D; you had accepted from the movies in regards how spaceship looks like. Many on earth feel afraid already as it is or scared due to this movement of the Hollywood movies, where they depict beings from other planets destroying us making them look like the bad guys. You all are capable of believing and become Gods or Goddesses in your own universe.Understand or remember you cannot be God in Gods Universe.
This is a very powerful and clear perspective to understand.
Be open mind and not be afraid of your own powers of creation. Avoid to think that you cannot be a God or Goddess when you say, "I am God or Goddess" It will imply that you had reached higher levels of vibrational consciousness, compassion and unconditional Omni love for all that breathe on earth, no matter how small or big this can be.
Do what your heart guides you to take part of the world you live and realize or embody the power to create and achieve your own success that is based on the vibration of your own conscious choices.
Which is to bring and match the frequency of the people, places, things, and events you feel more connected in the now! To accept that you are! And you don’t have to worry about what the vibration of others is. If your vibration is one of connection that is all you require.
Listen: If your vibration is one of connection — you are going to dominate the vibration.
This is the way to understand your relationships with others, so it is the same in all. Understand that you control the way you feel because you get to choose the thoughts you think.
Many believe that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them.
And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances.
You always had been capable of creating and controlling your vibration. Right or wrong, conscious or subconscious this is your own reality. When you understand how you are travel in your own vibration, you will consider everything that has and anything to do with you divine soul.
Peace and bliss!
Here are some pictures of different times and places and you can see the spaceship is not what you think will look like; instead accept that you can see it by just knowing that they are real.
It is then you will be able to open your mind and notice that they are here, our beloved friends and families from the stars. When you do everything from your heart consciousness instead of your mind; you will be able to accept and see this magnificent 5D reality of the now.
Perhaps only in your dreams, for now, you would communicate with them! Until your brain neurons upgrade to this light frequency, know that your family from the stars are traveling in great aero-ships that possess an incredible beauty, immense love, and unity consciousness. You will be able to experience this reality already for many not just in dreams.
Open your mind and look up! When you observe, you will know, then your heart will tell you, they are here, and there is no need to prove or tell anyone because for now.
They have chosen you to make their first contact with them, so trust and remember that it is the voice, the light, and the vibration of your heart the way of communicating with these higher vibrational beings.

Thank you for Listening!