First Contact,
Divines souls on earth,
The real contact starts with yourself before being contacted by your families from other galaxies. Start to make the first contact with yourself in your daily life a ritual listen to your heart. When you involve yourself first with your presence and awareness daily, on your wellness, you involve others around you.
Keep in mind that your choices affect us all!
To travel into the past and into an unexistent future will create imbalance, anxiety, fear, and depression. Be here now, the past is gone, the future is a mystery, and the present is a GIFT.
Perhaps this may be your last chance to wake up and open your mind to your contact before the first galactic contact.
When you are in vibrational harmony, your body produces whatever it needs to remain in perfect balance. Therefore you can let the Multiverse communicate in ways you thought you couldn’t.
Your family and friends will begin to notice and would perhaps want to follow your state of inner peace and make real contact with yourself. It is only matter of time you will experience contact with you Galactic families from the cosmos.
So let’s make contact, and love yourself first with all your heart, then let the magic begin. Travel the present in the best expression of yourself!
Happy and magical contact!

Many blessings, dear earthlings,