Sonia Salinas
Divine Humans,
Many souls on Earth played the incarnation game with the desire to experience this magnificent reality in planetary and human history....
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Sonia Salinas
Wake up! Divine Souls on earth,♥
Suppose your consciousness and perception of reality are limited by what you have been told or taught. In other words, a small...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Humans,
We, the councils of nine, love you very much; beloved ones, you have an anamorphic perspective of this continuum of life. It denotes or...
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Sonia Salinas
Heart Intelligence
Ponder on this; when someone creates a thought that is projected, one now thinks. So, it's not possible to separate the thinker from the...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine incarnated beings of the light,
It is time to consciously let go of your EGO mind, look around your families, your human tribe wearing a mask, preventing you from...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine earthling's creative power is the key.
As the ambassadors representing your starseed families on Earth, be mighty in your words, actions, emotions, and creations as you embody...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine beings on Earth,
As many are about to enter the spirit of Christmas, the Matrix reality of sadness and emotions reflect on the world's energy due to...
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Sonia Salinas
Greetings dear hearts on earth,
Vibrational frequencies are changing at a very rapid speed. What does this mean? These frequencies are available every second of your new...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine men and women of planet earth,
It doesn't matter if you are a starseed or not, yet if you are here, you have innate abilities to assist all humans. Let go of your ego....
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Sonia Salinas
We are America,we are the World.
In the part of the planet called America, the frequency of the pure heart resonance contains higher frequencies to transmute the bad or...
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