Sonia Salinas
Ace of ♥ is the Best Card
God is infinite, and the creation of the unlimited ongoing process is what many call the source of pure and ultimate connection....
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Sonia Salinas
We got this; we are free,
What happens on Earth will free the other planets where humans and other interstellar beings were slave prisoners. So you see nothing...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine incarnation of the One,
A long time ago, many humans arrived from other planets to experience physicality with the promise to make things right and to assist our...
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Sonia Salinas
Beloved Starseeds,
It is time to celebrate your Souverengty and freedom to acknowledge and offer your heartfelt gratitude to the creator of all living in...
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Sonia Salinas
The proof that God loves us!
Many are so busy in their lives that to ignore the marvelous and most powerful beings that promote life. Bees are known as "pollinators,"...
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Sonia Salinas
Love will set your Free!
The controllers of media, music, and more had made their name through manipulation worldwide. Humans don't understand that they are...
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Sonia Salinas
Awaken the memories of your Atlantian Magic,
Everything is created at a subatomic level; the "God Particle" is within each one; this is what One is. The REALITY One is made of is...
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Sonia Salinas
The age of Aquarius, Let the Sunshine In!
The reality one wants to experience within one's heart is the one that will be seen. Most people on Earth who are incarnated as humans...
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Sonia Salinas
Self-governing awakes your heart's intelligence,
Spirituality connects us all, and it happens in the daily moments of life. Embrace the world you want to be in more fully, not the one...
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Sonia Salinas
Plea to all who possesses a HEART,
Sacred hearts, this is a plea to all the legions of the heart rhythms to ask all from the Heart now more than ever to exercise complete...
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