Sonia Salinas
Divine Awakened Souls
The Earth has been manipulated for billions of years, living in darkness until now, where the Golden age is greater than the dark times,...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine People of the Light,
Humanity has officially entered the Golden Age. The Fifth Dimension signs the entire world is going through a historic shift in...
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Sonia Salinas
Forgive all the Wrong,
Humanity is already in crystalline time, permanently ascending into the Divine Light of the Creator of the Multiverse. Still, we also...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine expression of the One,
Beloved Earthlings, using your discernment at all times is essential. Since the day you were incarnated, all you are, eat, drink, and...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Inspiration and Heart Connection
God is infinite, and the creation of the unlimited ongoing process is what many call the Source of pure and ultimate connection....
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Sonia Salinas
Cognition of the Heart and Mind,
Divine earthlings, most humans confuse the brain with thoughts; the brain is a magnificent part of the human body, a radio that transmits...
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Sonia Salinas
By the grace of God, now your souls are free,
The objective of the following information is for each Soul to understand the message of God to all. We understand this might trigger...
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Sonia Salinas
By the Grace of God, the Multiverse is being reset,
Part Two Nowadays, humanity is getting so light as the planet's ascension continues washing away by Source God—all those marks that we...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Self Expresion
The Human body is the Divine self-expression of the One; every cell in the human body is renewed after a certain period, and new cells...
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Sonia Salinas
Awaken Souls
Understand that you are creating how you will experience the ascension because Consciousness already has the reality that Humanity made...
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