Sonia Salinas
Dear beloveds listen with the ears of your heart…
Let the light of your heart shine; it’s the only light that will dispell the darkness. There will be times of trouble, times of...
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Sonia Salinas
Dear people on earth,
When you allow your heart and your mind to become one peaceful unit without the ego, the label of anything. Then you had made a clear...
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Sonia Salinas
They are here...
Open your mind, soul, and body, to become ready and let go the concepts of the 3D; you had accepted from the movies in regards how...
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Sonia Salinas
Dear people on planet earth,
The Multiverse wants you to know; Detachment, Mind, free Will, Open yourself to enjoy everything you do, realize there is nothing you...
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Sonia Salinas
First Contact,
Divines souls on earth, The real contact starts with yourself before being contacted by your families from other galaxies. Start to make...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Beings, Divine Intelligence,
Karma; karma: [ˈkərmə] ( listen); Pali: kamma; Hindi: कर्म, translit. karm) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual...
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Sonia Salinas
Angels are everywhere,
As I was meditating on the whole of humanity divine plane, this is what I have for you to consider this is not about guiding anyone...
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Sonia Salinas
Trust wherever you are!
Trust that you are exactly where you are required to be right now, as this is valuable lessons to gain strength on your ascension. This...
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Sonia Salinas
The Magic of Mars and Venus
I like to share my self-portrait I made in 2001. is all about gender. The Magic of work as one unit, your masculine and feminine...
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Sonia Salinas
Dear beloved souls on earth
We are in a new future full of new opportunities to explore our senses to their maximum capacity of expression, where we will be free of...
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