Sonia Salinas
Liberty and Peace,
The controllers knew that the quantum leap would occur, which is why they affected the entire planet with their biological traps. They...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Consciousness,
The Earth's Divine collective Consciousness continuously strives for its constitution of freedom, sovereignty, and self-governance, which...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Hearts on Earth
Many had experienced a roller coaster of mental, physical, and emotional pain. We, your star family, ask you not to give up and continue...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine consciousness of the One,
Love is the infinite essence of life that flows through all divine expressions of the ONE, the consciousness of the ONE within all...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine humans
Great, great news to all inhabitants of the Earth; the fear narratives all-around media are to keep your frequency lowered and away from...
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